The Sociology Program at the University of Montevallo offers students the option of either a B.A. or a B.S. degree; students may also major in either Sociology or Sociology with Criminology Concentration.
Sociology is the study of human societies and social behavior. It is both a science and a perspective. As a science, Sociology applies a wide range of formal methodologies to investigate the relationship between and among individuals, groups, and societies. As a perspective, Sociology helps enable us to view our society and other societies critically and objectively. Through Sociology we find that what we often think of as “common sense” is, in fact, neither common nor sensical.
Why Sociology?
Students are often uncertain about what they can do with a degree in Sociology. Many believe that Sociology is an interesting field but not a practical one. Nothing could be further from the truth. Individuals with degrees in Sociology may find employment in a wide variety of fields including business and commerce, social services, education, government, research, marketing, journalism, health services, and many others. Sociology as an academic pursuit allows students to develop critical analysis skills including problem solving, concept modeling, and writing. These are the skills most in demand in the ever-competitive job market of the global economy.
Sociology with Criminology Concentration
Students interested in criminal justice should consider a degree in Sociology with Criminology Concentration. Criminology is a sub-discipline of Sociology that focuses upon the complex interrelationship among those who make the laws, those who break the laws, and those who enforce the laws. Criminologists seek to explain how criminals and institutions of social control such as police, courts, and corrections operate and function. They also attempt to explain crime and society’s reaction to crime by advancing theory through empirical research. Courses include Juvenile Delinquency, Criminology, Prison and Mass Incarceration, Deviant Behavior, and Drugs and Society. Internships are also available. For additional information on the Criminology Concentration, contact Dr. Christopher Bounds at
Sociology students may also be interested in the Human Services Minor.
The Sociology minor consists of SOC 101 and at least 15 additional hours in sociology.
Scholarship Opportunities

Dr. Parker (right) visits with BSS Alumnus Award recipient Dr. Steve Condrey.