Social Work


SWK students in UMOM

Preparing for the Social Work Licensure Exam

Social work licensure helps ensure that those practicing social work have met the minimum standards for professional competence.

Each state has its own set of licensure laws and procedures. Alabama’s social work licensing law provides for licensing social workers at four levels: baccalaureate (LBSW), graduate (LMSW), certified level (LICSW), and Private Independent Practice (PIP). One becomes licensed by completing a social work degree from an accredited school and passing a standardized test for the appropriate level. A person who graduates from UM with a social work major may become licensed if he or she passes the test for the baccalaureate level.

The licensing law in Alabama is administered by the Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners (ASBSWE):  Upon graduation, students apply for licensing. The application is available on-line from the ASBSWE: This step involves completing forms, paying fees, and scheduling the exam. Prior approval by the ASBSWE is necessary to schedule your exam with the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). Visit the ASWB website for detailed information:

Preparation for the exam should include review of content based on the UM Social Work curriculum. Faculty highly recommended that students retain notes and textbooks from all classes as study materials. Additionally, the Social Work Program has study materials available in the Carmichael Library, and copies of all the course textbooks for all the social work classes are on reserve at the Carmichael Library. Reviewing the content of these textbooks will also help you in preparing for the licensure exam.

The Montevallo Social Work Program offers a licensure preparation workshop every semester for students, alumni and community members. Contact Ms. Jeannie Duke,, for more information.

Social Work faculty (Dr. Tetloff, Dr. Beal, Ms. Duke, Dr. Newell) at Advocacy Day event

Ms. Duke, alumnae Barbara Bonfield, Dr. Newell